Firmex Data Room Q&A

Q&A is a powerful due diligence tool for due diligence. Anyone who has access to your VDR can ask questions and get answers. It improves communication and reduces the time wasted on duplicate efforts in multiple meetings. It also ensures that the key participants on both sides of the agreement are clear about the project’s conditions and terms, as well as what they are expected to do.

The Q&A feature comes pre-installed on Firmex. It can be activated when you create the Data Room or editing one that is already present. When Q&A is enabled the tab titled Question will be displayed in the Data Room. Click the Question button on the Data Room interface to ask a question. You will be presented with a pop-up window in which you can input the title of the question, more details, and a link to important source the reference document. You can save the draft of the question (if you are a Question Author) or send it to the Answer Side (if you are a Question Coordinator).

All participants will be informed by a small icon on their screens when the question they asked was addressed. The participant will be able to view the response and then reopen the original question to obtain more details. The Q&A tool to conduct M&A due diligence, an RFP/RFI process or procurement the Q&A workflow is flexible and can be customized to meet your specific needs.

Automate the Q&A flow so that questions get sent to the right team, without manual assignment. This allows subject matter experts to concentrate on answering questions, instead of managing the task.